Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Whamburgers and French Cries.

I miss my teeny tiny baby. She is still tiny for her age. At nineteen months she is only 23 pounds. There are 9 month olds that are bigger then her. But still, I miss the newborn-ness and everything that comes along with it ...besides waking up every 2-3 hours. But anywho, let's take a stroll down memory lane.

One month old. This was when she "slept" in a bassinet next to my bed.

And her now, at 19 months, fresh out of the shower, and cheesing hard.

Love her<3

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Recently, Kylie-Rae finally got her own bedroom. We have been co-sleeping and bed-sharing since birth, and it was finally time to put a foot down. Kylie-Rae's foot that is. She was getting pretty upset with us when we'd come into the bedroom to go to sleep and wake her up ...every night. I blame it on her daddy. I never knew changing your clothes could be so loud.

I love owls, and birds, and trees, so naturally I had picked the Love and Nature owl bedding by circo at Target to be the theme for her new bedroom.

Very cute, isn't it? They sell wall decals, lamps, rugs, wall art, night lights, etc, that match. We painted her walls the light green color in the bedding, and one wall the light pink color, all with white trim. I wish I took a picture of it, and I would right now, but low and behold, it is nap time.

I wanted her to have some wooden letters in her room. I looked all over etsy for some cute hand painted owl letters to match her bedding. Nothing. Nadda. Zip. So I took matters into my own hands. When Ashley came to visit, we took a nice trip to JoAnns. I bought some plain wooden letters there for about $3 a letter and bought my paint supplies.

I was a little nervous I'd screw them up. I haven't painted since high school. So I'm a bit rusty at it. But I think they turned out well. Here is my final product.

Definitely not professional, but for not having painted in 5 years and using fifty nine cent paint, I'm happy with the final product.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My life

I figured it would be a good idea to share some photographs of me and my family, so readers don't think I'm just a keyboard, or an secretly an old man trying to get some jollies.

This is I. Well, at least it was a few months ago. Since motherhood, I am all sweats and no make up. So, for obvious reasons, I am usually behind the camera instead of in front of it.

This is the lovely boyfriend/future husband, Matt. He is twenty five and fabulous. Another old picture though. This is a picture of him in June. We were in an airport waiting to come home from Florida.

And the love of my life, Kylie-Rae. I can't even begin to explain how amazing she is. She is my morning, noon, and night, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I plan on posting more pictures as my blog continues, and I will definitely make a photobomb post of Kylie-Rae from birth until now.

As you can see, she is a spitting image of her daddy, or at least I think she is. People question if I am her mother in public. Not an exaggeration either. I'm hoping in time she will get my devilishly good looks.

Testing testing

This is my first post. My main reason for posting this is so I can see how it looks on my blog. But, I might as well get the introduction done and over with so I can go on to boring you with other things.

I'm Amanda. I'm twenty one years old and have an eighteen month old daughter, Kylie-Rae, as of two days ago. Her father and I have been together since August of 2008. I got pregnant three months into dating him. I don't recommend it, but it worked out great in my case. I decided to make a blog because a lot of my girl friends (hehe) have one, and I felt left out. Plus, even if no one does read it, I will have something to do after Kylie-Rae's bedtime. Another bonus, I can share my wanna-be craftiness with no one in particular but everyone all at once.

I hope you enjoy my rantings. And I ask that you don't rag on my terrible sewing skills and picture taking too hard. Just kidding. I wont ask that, because I know my skills are AWESOME. Fin.